Prophets and Peace
A Brand New Year - Happy Advent
Transition to Autumn
Four Key Questions
Money, Money, Money
Imprint of God
Together joining in with the song of the Angels
Sustaining Love
Fear not, rejoice and be glad!
Patronal Praise and River Fun
It Matters
Finish Lines
The Bread of Life
Reaching the High Point
Joining Together
The Nature of Power
A Sunlight of Hope
‘Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?’
Conflict and Healing
From the start
Come Holy Ghost our Souls inspire
Thy Kingdom Come
Fruit that will last
Loving and Living
Dramatic Unfolding
Focus Your Attention
Love In Lent
Epiphany Continued....
Here I am to Worship
Approach In The New Year
Follow the Star
Rejoicing in Advent
Immeasurable Greatness
Encourage one another
Work together
Light in the Darkness
Jesus you are the Way: meet us in the way.
Rejoice in the Lord always
Sing a new song
the grace and love of God
Chorister Prayer
Lolium temulentum
A sower went out to sow...
Blinded by your grace
Central Message
"Sarah Laughed” - Finding Hope
One for All and All for One