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Loving and Living

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: May 19, 2024

Dear All Saints and St Marys

As we continue in the seasonal joy of Easter we are invited to reflect on one of the "I AM" sayings of Jesus in John's gospel. There are 7 different ways in which Jesus describes himself by using the words "I AM".  The last one of these is "I AM the vine" as Jesus speaks with his friends about what his life is about and will be about for them and others. It is a powerful image of connection. The fruit that we see on vines, be them beautiful to look at or good to eat are dependent on being attached to the vine. Jesus asks us to consider how we each flourish, and what it is that connects us and nourishes our lives. 

A way of connecting, is our worship when we come together to give thanks for God and the life and love that we can know through God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Cafe Church is back this weekend at All Saints at 10.30am, with a chance to have some more informal time together, studying and discussing the biblical themes in the Book of Samuel. If you haven't been to Cafe Church before then it is a great way to get to know people better, to learn together and from each other as well as to have what my kids call "Second Breakfast!".

All Saints also have a quiet and short communion at 8am and St Marys has a sung Communion at 10am.

This Sunday: 28th April 2024


Said Communion

All Saints


Sung Communion

St Marys


Cafe Church

All Saints


Monday 29th April


Tiny Tots

All Saints

Tuesday 30th April


Music For Toddlers

St Marys

Wednesday 1st May


Celtic Morning Prayer

All Saints

Thursday 2nd May


Holy Communion

St Marys

Friday 3rd May


‘Living After Loss’ Group

St Marys

Saturday 4th May


Coffee Morning & Repair Café

All Saints


Saturday Lunches

St Marys

Sunday 5th May 


Creative Church

St Marys


Holy Communion & Junior Church

All Saints



St Marys

Find attached the weekly sheets, readings and Roots materials for this week.

Malcolm Guite's poems bring me a huge amount of joy and Christian spiritual nourishment, so I commend the following to you all. Looking forward to worshipping with you this weekend.

I AM the Vine

How might it feel to be part of the vine?

Not just to see the vineyard from afar

Or even to pluck the clusters, press the wine,

but to be grafted in, to feel the stir

Of inward sap that rises from our root,

Himself deep planted in the ground of ove,

To feel a leaf unfold a tender shoot,

As tendrils curled unfurl, as branches give

A little to the swelling of the grape,

In gradual perfection, round and full,

To bear within oneself the joy and hope

Of God's good vintage, till its ripe and whole.

What might it mean to bide and to abide

In such rich love as makes the poor heart glad?


Revd Lizzie

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds

Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery



Please be advised that Monday is my day of rest so I do not respond to emails on that day of the week.

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