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All Saints Fishponds

Light and Dark

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

Dear All Saints and St Marys We have some truly great people of the Bible to help deepen our faith in the readings set for the time of Lent. This week we hear about Abram (Abraham) in the Old Testament and then we listen to the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus comes at night, to meet Jesus, who is the light. They have a baffling conversation that leaves Nicodemus no closer to any answers to his questions. No cheap or quick assurances are given to Nicodemus. Jesus lets him experience what the light looks like. Jesus lets him choose. We get to choose too. No one is compelled to believe, but everyone is invited. This week we worship in a different ways across the churches:


Creative / Open Church: Joy

St Marys


Holy Communion with Junior Church

All Saints



St Marys


Tues 7th March


Lent Group 1

Contact for location

Weds 8th March


Celtic Morning Prayer

All Saints


Lent Group 2

Contact for location

Thurs 9th March


Holy Communion

St Mary's

Sat 11th March


Sunday Lunches

St Mary's

Sun 12th March


Sung Holy Commuion

St Mary's


Muddy Messy Church

All Saints



Contact for location

Please find here the Root materials - and the weekly sheets at the end.

This week I have been reflecting on a book of poems in a book called “Hearing God in Poetry” by Richard Harris. One of the poems is written by Dietrich Bonhoffer who agonises about his identity when he is imprisoned, awaiting his execution, in Nazi Germany. He dwells deeply on what he is and has become and would like to be again and ends his poem with these words

“Who am I? They mock me these lonely questions of mine. Whoever I am thou knowest, O God, I am thine”

Bonhoffer - despite his questions - chooses the light.

Blessings for this weekend and the week to come

Revd Lizzie

Revd Lizzie Kesteven

Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds

Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery

Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese

0117 9650856


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