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All Saints Fishponds

Greetings of joy, peace and hope to you all today.

Updated: Sep 5, 2021

Special Congratulations to GCSE and A level students on your achievements in difficult circumstances. Your courage and resilience are remarkable. We are so proud of you all - and your parents and teachers too. God bless and guide your next steps to a fulfilling future.

'Ask and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.' Mathew 7:7

At 10.30 in this Sunday's Café Church at All Saints we're continuing to explore 'How to Pray' with Pete Greig's book with the twin themes of petition and intercession. Intercession was described by a former archbishop as 'coming before God with people on your heart'. I like this little phrase, because no matter how huge a problem seems, how ill a friend is, or how complicated someone's situation has turned out, it reminds us that we can simply place needs before God without giving him instructions on how to solve them. A friend who has a distinct calling to pray for others once told me she prays for someone 'with or without information'. Our heavenly Father knows our needs.

So why bother praying, since God knows the needs? Richard Foster, author of 'Celebrating Discipline' explains that prayer changes us. He says: 'prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us'. The more we pray, the more we gradually adjust and tweak what we ask God for. When we are open to the working of the Holy Spirit in us, he aligns our will to God's will in prayer. I wonder if you too have discovered this?

Jesus's example prayer - the Lord's Prayer - contains two of the most vital requests in prayer: give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. The first changes all who have more bread than they need by inviting them to share it. The second part of the second 'as we forgive' invites us to let go of past grievances and this brings us peace of heart. May you and those you pray for be blessed by the prayer of intercession this week, so that God's kingdom comes nearer and his will is done better in our lives. This Sunday 15th August we have the following services:

  • 10.30 am Cafe Church at All Saints - with Mark Simms and Chris Whitehead

  • 6.30 pm Holy Communion at St. Mary’s - with Rev Janey & Revd Diane

Readings for this week All Saints Cafe Service (10.30): Psalm 85 and Matthew 7:7-11 St.Mary’s Holy Communion (6.30) : Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58

Here are this week’s Roots at Home and Activity sheets.

NEXT Sunday 22nd August, we have:

  • 8.00 am Holy Communion at All Saints - with Revd Janey

  • 6.30 pm Holy Communion at St. Mary’s - with Revd Janey

A song and prayer of intercession for all ages Listen to the song here

Father, I place into your hands The things I cannot do, Father, I place into your hands The things that I've been through. Father, I place into your hands The way that I should go, For I know I always can trust you.

Father, I place into your hands My friends and family. Father, I place into your hands The things that trouble me. Father, I place into your hands The person I would be, For I know I always can trust you.

Father, I want to be with you And do the things you do. Father, I want to speak the words That you are speaking too. Father, I want to love the ones That you will draw to you, For I know that I am one with you.

by Jenny Hewer (53: New Hymns and Worship Songs ; 133: Complete Mission Praise)

With every blessing, Diane Revd Diane Simms, Deacon All Saints and St. Mary's Fishponds

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