Dear All Saints and St Marys The bible often challenges us to rethink and to re examine. Even the simplest of ideas such as “who is my family” is something that Jesus asks us to consider deeply. “Mothering Sunday” is a great opportunity to ask this question again. Jesus, at the most critical moment before he dies, offers his own Mother to be cared for by his disciple and friend John. He offers his mother another chance to “mother” in his friend John. In this act he binds two people together in a family unit, not of blood, but of love. This is one instance in which that question “who is my family” reconsidered – there are lots more. As a Church family we come together for a myriad of reasons this Sunday and with it we bring ourselves, our stories, our lives to our church family. A place where people are not bound by their inherited genetical bloodline, but by the recreation of what family means, with a people who gather around the revolutionary message of love that Jesus brings. In that way we will celebrate this Mothering Sunday with our church family. REMEMBER THE CLOCKS GO FORWARD!! Services of worship this Sunday – 27th March 2022 – Mothering Sunday 8am – All Saints – Said Holy Communion – Revd Janey 10am – St Marys – All Age Holy Communion – Revd Lizzie 10.30am – All Saints – All Age Holy Communion – Revd Janey and Dave Williams. Here are the weekly sheets and an activity sheet.
Please note that the All Saints APCM is on the 3rd April after the 10.30am service.
Please make every effort to attend so we can share and reflect on what has been 2021 together. THE WEEK AHEAD Monday 28th
10.30am Tiny Tots at All Saints Hall Wednesday 30th
9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Church 10.15am Funeral at St Marys Wendy Bignell Thursday 31st
10.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church 11.30am Funeral at St Marys Gwen Fothergill Friday 1st
11.00am Reflection followed by refreshments & table top sale for Marie Curie 1.30pm Linda Waldren Celebration of life at All Saints Sunday 3rd
10.00am Open Church at St Mary’s Church
10.30am Holy Communion with Baptism & Junior Church at All Saints followed by APCM
6.30pm Passiontide Service with Special Music at St Mary’s Church

I leave you with this image for reflection and prayer.
Artist: Howard Finster
Revd Lizzie Kesteven Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery Advisor for Spirituality and Spiritual Direction for Bristol Diocese 0117 9650856 07973917720