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"Welcome to LENT!" - and Pews Available

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Dear All Saints and St Marys

Welcome to LENT! How did that happen? Especially when it feels that a lot of the last year has been a lentern experience. It was such a important moment in our worship on Ash Wednesday when we together through pre recorded videos, broadcasts and communal services were able to mark the beginning of this important season in our church families year.

One of the things to come from that has been some thinking around a possible “roadmap” for us in the coming weeks. We managed to safely have people in the churches for Ash Wednesday and so that is going to be the proposal for this coming week Sunday February 21st The service will be broadcast as usual and that will be the main focus, but if people want to be in church then the doors will be open at 9.50am and you would be very welcome. We will continue to broadcast from All Saints.

The following week on the 28th February we will look to have two said services of Holy Communion. One at 8am at All Saints and then another at 10am at St Marys. They will remain said and will be simple, but they will be the first time since this third lockdown that we can meet to receive Communion together.

Please keep an eye out for the Lent Course which starts this Wednesday – “The Joy of the Gospel” - check our the BOOKS Word doc attached.

Also the midweek services of morning prayer and evening prayer which are all on line. Details of links for the broadcasts and the zoom worship is below.

Coffee and Chat as usual this week at 11.30am – the code is just below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369

The BBC have filmed some services for Lent that are streamed live from 11am on Sundays – so if you want to connect with God and our Brothers and Sisters in Christ then please also click the link below.

Also.....PEWS – we have 3 pews that we are now allowed to sell because we were granted a faculty for their removal and or disposal or sale. They are the larger and longer pews from St Marys – so if you have the space to accommodate one and would like to purchase one then please talk to Jonathan Gazeley They retail for @£250 each. Cut off date will be 7th March so please register your interest with Jon if you are interested!

There’s also a short vlog from the vicarage study this week you can watch - its right at the end of this message!

Services this week

Sunday 21st February 10am:

Broadcast Link for Sunday 10am

People are also welcome to join us in the church at 10am for the service.

Monday 22nd February 8:15am:

Morning prayer via Zoom. Contact Carla for the meeting details.

Wednesday 24th February

9am: Celtic Prayers via Zoom Contact Mark for the meeting details

10am – 11am - All Saints open for private prayer

Thursday 25th February 10–11am

St Mary’s open for private prayer

Friday 26th February 6.30pm – 7pm

Evening Prayer on Zoom – Led by Sharon Gleed. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 4208 7697 - Passcode: 872238

Sunday 28th February

8am Holy Communion Said Service – All Saints Church (Also Broadcast Service from All Saints)

10am Holy Communion Said Service - St Marys Church

Attached also are the notice sheets for the week,

and materials for the week via the Roots Website, including an activity sheet for all ages to use to help explore and pray with.

Finally – I wanted to say that now we are in Lent that there is this amazing prayer right at the beginning of Morning Prayer each day that I love – it really just sets me up for the day. It prays this

Blessed are you, God of compassion and mercy,

To you be praise and glory forever,

In the darkness of our sin, your light breaks forth like the dawn

And your healing springs up for deliverance

As we rejoice in the gift of your saving help

Sustain us with your bountiful spirit and open our lips to sing your praise.

Blessed be God Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here’s another short hello from my study this morning....again watch it quick because it disappears in 48 hrs!



Revd Lizzie Kesteven

0117 9650856


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