Dear All Saints and St Marys
I hope that this finds you and those around you well. This Sunday marks the “end” of the Church’s year. With the different seasons of festivals and fasts we are out of sync with the world, and begin a new year next week on Advent Sunday. So this Sunday is our “New Years Eve”.
This Sunday has over the course of time taken on a variety of names. It can be called the “Last Sunday before Advent” (to the point - but perhaps not that imaginative!) It has also been called “Stir Up Sunday” – on the basis that the Collect Prayer in the BCP (Book of Common Prayer) for the week speaks about “Stir up, we beseech thee O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people!” and that in turn has been seen as a signal to start the process of “stirring up” the ingredients for a Christmas Pudding, which is then put to rest throughout Advent.
However, since 1925, Pope Pius XI discerned that the church should celebrate this day as the feast of Christ as King (a politically edged decision perhaps) to end the liturgical year. The Church of England followed suit and also adopted it as a Feast Day.
This Sunday we will be live streaming a said service of Morning Prayer with a sermon from All Saints at 9am. This is a “first” for us a Benefice, as it is slightly different to streaming services with a congregation – however it is also good to have a challenge. People are invited to watch at 9am “live” but it will be simultaneously recorded and so also accessible for people through out the day and the coming week. It will go out on the All Saints Website, the All Saints Facebook Page and the St Marys Facebook Page.
The churches will be open for private prayer tomorrow also
9am – Live Streamed Service – Revd Lizzie (Preach) Sharon Gleed (Lead) Mark Simms (Prayers)
9.30am – 11am – All Saints Church Open for Private Prayer
10am-11.30am – St Marys Church open for Private Prayer
Coffee and Chat on Zoom at 11.45am
As we approach Advent then please do register (email Revd Janey Hiller) to sign up for the Advent Series which will happen on Zoom on Wednesday evenings in Advent (2nd,9th,16th,23rd ) – the flyer attached to this email gives more details – but a sneak preview is that it combines some reflections on Advent with that of Benedictine Spirituality and Rule of Life. Really exciting stuff.
And finally – just to say a very Happy Birthday to Columbus from All Saints who turns 70 this week! Congratulations Columbus on reaching this milestone. If anyone else has Birthdays or anniversaries that they have had or are about to in Lockdown – then let us know and we will find ways to give you a virtual hug and round of applause!
Attached to this letter is the following
Morning Prayer Service to follow for tomorrows service
Weekly Notice Sheet from All Saints'
Weekly Notice Sheet from St. Mary’s
Church at Home - Really great ideas in this week for different age groups.
The details are Coffee and Chat - Time: Sunday 11:45
Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253
Passcode: 200369
“Loving God, you have taught us that the power of the heart is greater than the power or wealth and might. Hear us as we pray for the fulfilment of your reign. We ask this through Jesus Christ our King: to him be glory and power for ever.” Amen
Prayer from CW – Times and Seasons
Blessings and Prayers this Church New Years Eve.
Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven 0117 9650856 07973917720