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"Sarah Laughed” - Finding Hope

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

Genesis 18:11 Dear All Saints and St Marys The story in the Old Testament of how Abraham and Sarah discover that she is pregnant is a fascinating one that combines, strangers and hospitality and tents. Yet it has always been that verse about Sarah that I have been intrigued by. As she overhears the visitors talking about her being able to have a child, she “laughed to herself”. Its an easy scene to imagine – Sarah in her tent chuckling away at the foolishness of such chatter, gently shaking her head in disbelief at the ridiculous idea that she would be able to have a child after so many years of wanting one. Yet in that laughter, there would also have been a deep sadness I suspect.

A hope and dream that had long ago been put down and shut away. In Genesis several chapters later Sarah gives birth to Issac – a name which means “laughter”. The hope that had been locked up in a cupboard, that was seemingly gone, was realised. The story can be interpreted in different ways and much can be taken from it. Yet for me it is a reminder that what I think might not be possible, is not necessarily what God thinks is finished and done with. In that way Christians always live with a flicker of hope, however dimmed at times, but it is there because our stories tell us that at different moments in time God has already done what we thought impossible. Services this weekend – Sunday 18th June 2023 10.00 – Sung Holy Communion – St Marys 10.30 – Sung Holy Communion – All Saints 7.15pm – Generations – All Saints Please find attached the weekly sheets and readings for Sunday. THE WEEK AHEAD

Weds 21st June


Celtic Morning Prayer

All Saints

Thur 22nd June


Holy Communion

St Marys


Benefice PCC - Training Session

All Saints

Sat 24th June


Saturday Lunches

St Marys

Sun 25th June


Holy Communion

All Saints


Sung Holy Communion

St Marys


Café Church

All Saints

A prayer for your week: BECOMING GOOD GROUND As the rain and sun come down from the heavens

making the earth to grow,

so may your Word not return to you empty,

bit embed itself in the soil of my silence.

May I discover what makes for peace,

whatever my language,

and know your blessing,

on which our peace depends. Tess Ward

Blessings Revd Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese 0117 9650856 07973917720

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