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Saints! Those who say ‘yes’ to God

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

Greetings one and all, This weekend we have the joy of celebrating All Saints Sunday and the pleasure of welcoming Archdeacon Neil Warwick to preach for us at our benefice service in the morning (service details below, which includes Junior Church). We have such a rich heritage of celebrating the lives of ‘official’ Saints within the church – those people who have been canonised by the Roman church over the years. And alongside that in the Church of England, we also mark days of commemoration for the many people who went before us and who played a significant part in the development of the English church. All Saints Day is a wonderful point in the calendar because it turns the spotlight of honour onto ALL Saints – whether known or unknown, living or dead. And that includes us - the Saints of God in this place today! It’s great to be reminded that the saints and heroes of our faith were ordinary people like us – they were saints because of their willingness to say ‘yes’ to God; to step into all God had in store for them. And they did this despite some often very obvious fallibilities and failings. That to me - and I hope to all of us - is very reassuring and encouraging! This Sunday 31st October - All Saints Sunday

10.30am Benefice Holy Communion at All Saints with Revd Janey and Archdeacon Neil Warwick preaching. Revd Lizzie will be leading JUNIOR CHURCH during this service, so we’d be delighted to welcome children along to the service.

6.30pm Evensong at St Mary’s with Revd Diane and Revd Lizzie preaching

The Roots at Home and Activity Sheet are attached here.

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The week ahead (can you believe it’s November already?!) · Monday 1st November - 08.15am Morning Prayer on zoom · Wednesday 3rd November - 09.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints · Thursday 4th November - 10.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s Next Sunday 7th November · 10.00am - Open Church at St Mary’s · 10.30am – Holy Communion at All Saints · 6.30pm – Holy Communion at St Mary’s

More details about each of these services will follow in next week’s email. 31st October is also the day the Church of England commemorates Martin Luther who had some quite strong views about how the observance of saints’ days had become very corrupted in the church of his time. Luther advocated for honouring the ‘living saints’, whom he described in one of his sermons as: “… your neighbours, the naked, the hungry, the thirsty, poor people; those who have wives and children who suffer shame, who lie in sins. Turn to them and help them… draw near, advise, cover them with your coat and help them in order to uphold their honour.” In the week ahead, may you know yourself to be a SAINT through the grace and love of God given you in Christ Jesus, and may you be inspired afresh to live out your sainthood by extending that same grace and love to all you encounter. With every blessing, Janey _______________ Rev. Janey HillerCurate and Pioneer Minister All Saints & St Mary's, @Mthr_Kerfuffle

31st October 2021 Email Notice Sheet
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St Mary's Church Weekly Sheet - Sun 31st Oct
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