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Joy and Rejoicing

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers This week marks a significant moment in the life of the church. It is a weekend of Joy. Not only because it is the Sunday when we remember John the Baptist and his incredible ministry of pointing to Jesus but it is also known as Gaudete Sunday – a day which centres on Joy and Rejoicing! How apt then that we also get to celebrate this Sunday the Ordination to the Priesthood of Revd Janey Hiller. Janey will be ordained in the morning at All Saints and then in the evening there will be a Eucharist to which everyone is invited and welcome at which Janey will preside for the first time and lead us in Holy Communion. Sadly because of Covid 19 in the morning at the ordination the number of people able to come is limited to 30. Family and close friends of Janey as well as those who need to be present from the diocese alongside a few representatives from the parishes will be present in the morning. Therefore the majority of people are invited to participate via the website and Facebook links as it will also be recorded and broadcast live at 10.30am. I hope that people from both parishes will though be able to join us all in the evening at St Marys at 6.30pm The guest Preacher in the evening is the Revd Helen Johnson from Shirehampton, Bristol. Our Services are as follows for Sunday

  • 10.30am – Ordination of Revd Janey Hiller – All Saints (Via Live stream)

  • 6.30pm – Holy Communion at St Marys – Revd Janey Hiller (Preside) Revd Helen Johnson (Preach)

  • Coffee and Chat on Zoom at 11.45am

Here is / are:

  • Church at Home - Really great ideas in this week for different age groups.

  • Weekly Notice Sheets

  • Advent Flyer with details of the Advent Group

The details are Coffee and Chat - Time: Sunday 11:45 Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 Passcode: 200369

In the coming week - Watch out for NATIVITY TRAILS AT ALL SAINTS, FIND THE BABY JESUS AT ST MARYS, CHRISTINGLES AND POP UP CAROL SERVICES.....All in the coming weeks. The theologian Henri Nouwen described the difference between joy and happiness. While happiness is dependent on external conditions, joy is "the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing – sickness, failure, emotional distress, oppression, war, or even death - can take that love away." Rejoice my friends. I say Rejoice. Blessings to you and all you love and pray for this day Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven 0117 9650856 07973917720

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