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Jesus you are the Way: meet us in the way.

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Dear Friends,

This Sunday marks a significant point on the way of faith for two members of our congregation at All Saints as they come to Christ, the Way the Truth and the Life, in Holy Baptism. How appropriate then, that we are combining their baptisms with our Patronal Festival at All Saints.

All Saints Day reminds us that we don't follow Jesus on our own. Through baptism we become members who belong to each other in Christ, members of a company of saints below (on earth) and above (in heaven).

The candidates have been preparing for baptism using a resource called 'Emmaus'. You may remember that it was on a road towards Emmaus that a comforting stranger drew near to three of his disciples. They feared Jesus had gone away from them for ever. As they reached home they invited the stranger in for supper and in the moment that Jesus broke the bread their eyes were opened and they recognised their Lord and Saviour. What joy! Jesus - the now Risen Christ - was in their midst. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES THIS SUNDAY 29th OCTOBER 2023 Bible Readings: Revelation 7:9-17; Matthew 5:1-2


All Saints

BCP Holy Communion


All Saints

Joint Benefice Holy Communion with Baptism - celebrating the Patronal Festival


St Mary's

Said Evening Prayer


Mon 30th October


All Saints

Tiny Tots

Wed 1st November


All Saints

Celtic Prayers

Thurs 2nd November


St Marys

Holy Commuion

Sat 4th November


All Saints

Coffee Morning with Repair Cafe



St Marys

Saturday Lunches



St Marys

Creative Church:

Posada: We are going to be creating Posadas from recycled materials, to share the blessing of hosting the Holy Family leading up to Christmas. If you want to know more speak to Diane, Andrew or Jan or just come along and join in some meaningful crafty fun!


All Saints

Holy Communion


St Marys

Choral Evensong for All Saints with Holy Baptism


Confirmation Service – Wednesday 8th November 7.30pm – All Saints Church – Come and be part of the church witness to welcome our young people and adults into the faith. Advent Calendars At the back of both churches you can views samples of the Church of England Advent Calendar with stickers and booklets of Daily Reflections from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. Deadline for orders is Sunday 12th November.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- continued from above Baptism is that lightbulb moment, that this Jesus everyone is talking about has died and risen again not just for them, or for you, but also for me - even me! Jesus is my Saviour. He is with me and can be my travelling companion every day of my life. That's why Elisa, our choir director, has chosen such a fitting closing hymn by Darlene Zschech which says this so powerfully: My Jesus, My Saviour, Lord there is none like you All of my days, I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am never cease to worship You Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing Power and majesty, praise to the King Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name I sing for joy at the work of your hands. Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in YOU There's something really important about making that lightbulb moment public- to be baptized front of your friends and family and people that you love to say- this is my faith and this is something that's very important.

Perhaps this is why the baptism service involves walking from one end of church to the other, in order to symbolise the journey of faith we are travelling along ...

Do come and join in, as we rejoice with our candidates and continue together along the way of faith, knowing Jesus walks with us. Revd Diane, curate

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