Dear All Saints and St Marys
“Hosanna” is the cry from the crowds as Jesus enters Jerusalem this Palm Sunday. It means “Please, Save Us”. It is a cry of adoration and praise but it is also something more than that. It is a beseeching, an earnest request, a heartfelt plea. The people of Jerusalem want delivering from their Roman oppressors, just as Moses delivered the Israelites from Egypt.
Days later desolation, anger and fear have set in and the cry from the crowds turns to “Crucify”. The King that they had hoped would save them had failed to deliver. And so we are invited this week in different ways across both All Saints and St Marys to enter again into God’s salvation story. It is one that saves and delivers but not in the way that anyone might expect. Come, draw near, look, watch, pray, weep and live the story of love, courage and hope.
This Palm Sunday the following Services
10:00am | Palm Sunday Procession and Sung Holy Communion | St Marys |
10:30am | Palm Sunday Procession, Communion with Band & Junior Church | All Saints |
7:00pm | Generations film and pizza | The Vicarage |
Tues 4th April | 7:30pm | Compline and Holy Habits Reflection | All Saints |
Weds 5th April | 9:00am | Celtic Morning Prayer | All Saints |
| 7:30pm | Compline and Holy Habits Reflection | St Mary's |
Thurs 6th April | 6:30pm | Maundy Thursday Agape | All Saints |
| 7:30pm | Maundy Thursday Holy Communion and Watch | St Marys |
Good Friday (7th April) | 10:00am | Children's Good Friday Activities with Egg Hunt | All Saints |
| 1:30pm | Sung Liturgy of Good Friday | St Mary's |
| 2:00pm | Last Hour at the Cross | All Saints |
Sat 8th April | 10:00am | Prepare Church for Easter | St Marys |
| 12:00noon | Saturday Lunches | St Marys |
| 7:30pm | Easter Eve Vigil | St Mary's |
Easter Day Sun 9th April | 8:00am | Holy Communion | All Saints |
| 10:00am | All Age Communion | St Mary's |
| 10:30am | All Age Communion | All Saints |
| 6:30pm | Choral Easter Festival Evensong | St Mary's |
Please find below the weekly sheets.
May God be at your side, with you and watching and waiting this Holy Week.
Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery
Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese
0117 9650856