Dear All Saints and St Marys
I hope that you are enjoying the last bank holiday of the summer. For some its that opportunity to get away for a final break, for others its a chance to settle at home for some slower time. One of the readings that we will hear on Sunday is from Luke’s gospel. It recalls a time when Jesus sat down and dined with the “movers and shakers” of his community. Their conversations, and then the parables that are told, allows Jesus to point out the differences of what we might expect the kingdom of God to be like and the ways in which we operate. Who gets to sit at the table? How do we treat all the guests? What is the role of the host? The different ways in which we might honour or value people for our own gain is highlighted by Jesus and would not have been an easy thing to listen to. One of the challenging, but beautiful, purposes of faith is to be continually asking the question – is this my way? Or God’s way?
Café church is a great place to be able to really discuss that aspect of our Christian journey, a chance to speak and discuss and reflect with others about our ways and God’s ways, and where they do and don’t intersect in our daily lives.
Our services of worship this weekend on Sunday 28th August are
8am – Holy Communion – All Saints
10am – Sung Holy Communion - St Marys
10.30am – Café Church – All Saints
Wednesday 31st | 09.00 – Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Church 18.30 – IN HEREFORD – Revd Janey’s licensing |
Thursday 1st | 10.00 – Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church |
Sunday 4th | 10.00 – Open and Creative Church at St Mary’s Church 10.30 – Holy Communion at All Saints Church 18.30 – Evensong at St Mary’s Church |
Here are the Roots materials for this week with notice sheets at the bottom.
Below is a mediation taken from the Celtic Daily Prayer (Book 2) which we use each week at Morning Prayer on a Wednesday at All Saints. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9am.
Restoration Song (Day 12)
God has called forth a people, and we responded to His call,
“Rebuild this ancient ruin, restore my city walls”
He has led us day by day, as we listened to His voice,
And we were fed on finest wheat, and manna from the skies.
When we started, we were strangers. We hardly knew each others names.
Now we are brothers and sisters, and we will never be the same.
As we built, brick by brick, we discovered the corner stone,
And as we let Him mould and fashion us, He built us up in love
Now we have seen, and we have heard, that the Lord our God is great.
For a wilderness has been transformed, into His holy place.
Gerry Tuohy
Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery
Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese
0117 9650856