Dear All
Peace be with you.
I hope that this finds you well and in good health. This weekend marks a significant moment for some many in the Bristol Diocese as 23 people are ordained to the Deaconate and the Priesthood. They have been on significant journey’s with their loved ones and families. Thank you for your prayers for them and especially Revd David Jones and Revd Mary Hotchkiss who are known particularly to us. The link to the ordination service has been sent on a previous email. We look forward to Revd Janey Hiller form this Benefice being ordained priest later in the year.
As for Sunday we have two services and the Coffee and Chat Zoom. We have moved the coffee and Chat Zoom to a later time of 4pm on Sunday as there is St Marys APCM this week and All Saints the following week. It would be good to know if this is a better time for people so that we can work out in the future which works best.
The coffee and chat zoom link is below
The Sunday Zoom Coffee and Chat link - Time: Sunday 4pm
Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253
Passcode: 200369
Our services tomorrow are:
8am – All Saints – Holy Communion with hymns
Revd Janey is leading and preaching. Revd Lizzie is celebrating.
10am – St Marys – Sung Eucharist
Revd Janey is preaching. Revd Lizzie is celebrating. (Followed by the APCM meeting)
I have attached the following
Church at Home - Great little Youtube clip of an Olympic Games back in 1994!
Weekly Sheet for St Marys
Weekly Sheet for All Saints
If there is anyone you would like included to our prayers on the weekly notice sheet then please be in touch with either Anita (All Saints) or Amy (St Marys) and they will make sure that they are added.
In the Psalm 63 for this Saturday morning I was struck by the following verses in these times
8 “For you have been my helper and under the shadow of your wings will I rejoice”
9 “My soul clings to you; your right hand shall hold me fast”
May the Lord be your helper this day and in the coming week.
Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds