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Everything “Hallowed” – or “Holy”!

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Dear All Saints and St Marys I hope that this finds you well. It is the weekend of everything “Hallowed” – or “Holy”! Tonight is Hallow’een (The evening before All Hallows).  Sunday is All Hallows Day (Or as we more commonly know it All Saints Day) and then Monday is what we know as All Souls Day, when we particularly remember those from our own communities and families. The three moments at this point in the year bring with them a chance to reflect on the Christian faith and its traditions as well as what that might mean today. As the prayer for this week says: God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age: as we rejoice in the faith of your Saints, inspire us to follow their example with boldness and joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. We celebrate at All Saints Church our patronal festival. It is also a great season in this coming month to think about the people, the Saints, who have walked in faith. What I love about that prayer is the combination of the words JOY and BOLDNESS! We are invited into the joyful adventure that God has set before us. Our services for this Sunday are 10.30am – All Saints – Holy Communion with hymns -  Revd Lizzie is celebrating and leading and Revd Janey is preaching.

6.30pm – St Marys – Choral Evensong – Revd Lizzie is leading and Revd Janey is preaching. We also have Junior Church AMAZING! Back together for the first time since lockdown at 10.30am We are going to be outside so come prepared in wellies and anoraks if the weather looks wet. And Generations will also meet but at the vicarage and outside for firepit and story telling at 7.15pm..again warm clothes needed! A full and fun day and all socially distanced. Coffee and Chat is at 11.45am and the link is below.

I have attached the weekly sheets

and also a Church at home for people.

Sermons are accessible via the websites / facebooks either in audio form through the

live stream or written form the following week. Looking forward to worshipping together in the myriad of ways in which we can. Revd Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds 07973917720 01179650856

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