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Come to me - Worship and Sermon for 5th July

All Saints Fishponds

Dear All Saints and St Marys

It is with great delight that I can tell you that we are now allowed to worship again together in church. We will be easing into this gradually at both churches over the next few weeks combining services of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer and Services of the Word and assessing how we can in a few weeks then have a service of Holy Communion.

The buildings have both been prepared in accordance with the Risk Assessments that we have needed to carry out and I look forward to welcoming all who want to come. The advice for people who are over 70 is that they are welcome to come to private prayer times or public worship is they wish too, but that they need to take note of the government advise that people who are considered vulnerable and should stay at home when they can. With this in mind no one over 70 will be invited to preside/lead/read/serve/steward or intercess at this time.

This SUNDAY 5th July is as follows

  • A led service of Morning Prayer with a Sermon at ALL SAINTS CHURCH at 8am. Private Prayer to follow from 8.45-10.30am

  • Coffee and Chat on ZOOM at 11.15am

  • Private Prayer at St MARYS at 5pm-7pm.

There will be a requirement to use hand sanitiser as you enter the churches, to keep to social distancing whilst in the building and also to quarantine any books or service orders for 72 hours afterwards. There will be an opportunity to light candles if you wish to do so, but there will be no singing. We do have options of playing some recorded music if we want.

In the future we will look to ways of live streaming the “audio” for the services as they take place where we can. And we will continue to send out emails with resources for people still at home. The Celtic Morning Prayer for Monday will still take place on Zoom.

Please find attached

Service Order for Morning Prayer

Sermon by Diane Simms (Ordinand)

Church at Home Resource

Link to the BBC Programmes for Worship this week:

Zoom details for Coffee and Chat are as follows

Do please pray for Rev'd Janey Hiller as she along with her cohort of Deacons are re-licensed on Zoom on Sunday afternoon. All Curates need to be re-licensed as they have had their ordination to the  Priesthood delayed until later in the year. It is a great sadness for them (and the new Deacons) that this weekend is not as they had envisaged it would be at the beginning of the year. And so we pray for Janey and also Rev'd David Jones (Curate in Fromeside) especially this weekend.

With my blessing and thanksgiving for you all.

Rev'd Lizzie

Rev'd Lizzie Kesteven

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds


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