Dear All Saints and St Marys
Happy Pentecost.
This weekend we celebrate together in different ways the great festival of Pentecost. 50 Days after Easter we celebrate the sending of the Holy Spirit.
It is a day where we are invited to breath in afresh the life giving power of the Holy Spirit which enables us to be God's people in this part of the world, yet at the same time know that we are divinely connected to so many others all over the world.
There are so many different images of the Holy Spirit. Breath, fire and flame. But each of them are visible and tangible in different ways. We can see, feel, and often hear flame and breath. Both can be simultaneously comforting and disturbing.
The Spirit is more than a mechanism through which the people can connect and communicate with God, the Spirit is the way in which we are given what we need to continue the work of Jesus Christ and God.
The Spirit is the way in which we understand and discern God in our lives and can see God’s work in the world. It is the way in which we understand and experience both Gods power of comfort and challenge.
It is the Spirit that gives us the confidence to wander into what can be unchartered places.
It is the Spirit who calls us to account. It is the Spirit who guides us and guards us in times of uncertainty and
it is the Spirit who gently leads us to safe pastures or enflames us to righteous action.
Come and worship with us this Pentecost and be renewed in faith and fellowship with the power of the Spirit.
8am – Holy Communion – All Saints
10am – Sung Holy Communion – St Marys with St Marys Kids
10.30am – Holy Communion with Hymns – All Saints
Wednesday 31st May
9.00am - Celtic Morning Prayer - All Saints
Thursday 1st June
10.00am - Holy Communion - St Marys
Saturday 3rd June
10:00am - Coffee Morning with Repair Cafe - All Saints
12.00noon - 2.00pm - Saturday Lunches - St Marys
Sunday 4th June
10.00am - Creative Church St Matthews gospel - St Marys
10.30am - Holy Communion - All Saints
6.30am - Choral Evensong - St Marys
Please find bekow the weekly sheets with notices.
May you know the power of the Spirit rest on you this day.
Blessings Revd Lizzie
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery
Advisor for Spirituality for Bristol Diocese
0117 9650856