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Autumnal Days and Prayers for those being ordained.

All Saints Fishponds

Greetings to Everyone

I hope that this finds you well. We have been blessed with some beautiful autumnal days in the last week, especially over the Feast of St Michaels and All Angels on the 29th September. Its a feast which this year sees the ordination of deacons and priests through out this Diocese and around the UK. Normally this would take place in July (at Petertide, the Feast day of St Peter and Paul) but this year this has occurred slightly later at this season of Michaelmas. I encourage you to join your prayers with others at this time for those that prepare for ordination. Especially in that we pray for Revd David Jones who is ordained priest on the 10th October and also Revd Mary Hotchkiss from the Kingsway Benefice. We also keep Revd Janey Hiller from this benefice in our prayers as she prepares for her ordination to the priesthood slightly later in the year.

Our services tomorrow are 

10.30am – All Saints – Holy Communion with hymns (Revd Lizzie is celebrating and Sharon Gleed is Preaching)

6.30pm – St Marys  - Choral Evensong – Leader and Preacher – Revd Lizzie Kesteven

7.15pm – Generations – Meeting at All Saints – 11+ Youth Group.

A huge thank you for all your harvest gifts over the last fortnight and those who have distributed them  - they will all go to Fishponds Food Bank and the Sisters of Mercy in Ashley Down Road.

I have attached for you 

Church at Home  - Great little Youtube clip of an Olympic Games back in 1994!

A sermon from last week (other previous sermons to be uploaded soon)

Weekly Sheet for St Marys

Weekly Sheet for All Saints

There will be Annual General meetings (APCM’s)  in October – St Marys is next week on the 11th October after the 10am service and All Saints is on the 18th October again after the morning service. Please do keep the PCC’s and the Churchwardens in your prayers and also prayerfully consider if you feel called to join the PCC’s over the next few years.

Blessings for this day.


Revd Lizzie Kesteven

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds



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