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Worship with Holy Communion commences

All Saints Fishponds

Dear All Saints and St Marys

I hope that this finds you well and in good spirits. It is a delight to say that this Sunday 19th July there will be 2 services in the Benefice – both of which can be Holy Communion.

8am – Holy Communion at All Saints

10am – Holy Communion at St Marys

Some of you will not have been able to have received communion since the 17th March, so I recognise the significance this may have and the reason for having two services is that we can hopefully with 2 services be able to spread ourselves between them well. 

Rev'd Janey will preach at the 10am. I will give a short homily at the 8am. The services will be approximately 45 mins – 55 mins in length.

Afterwards please gather outside if you want to see people and wave and say hello! There will be no refreshments, but we will have a Zoom Coffee and Chat at 11.30am as well for people who cannot join us. We will try again this week to live stream the services also for people so that they have the audio.

In terms of Communion I have attached some of the guidance that is current from the Church of England. We will operate a system of distancing to receive, and it will be in one kind only. Hand sanitiser will be widely available. We will all have to stand to receive for the meantime as altar rails pose an additional risk. At All Saints this will be in the Nave. At St Marys we will use the High Altar. Communion element

Bearing all this in mind, it may feel like a very different service, but it will also be no doubt a profound day for many of us. We are blessed with big buildings and so it is possible to socially distance and keep them well ventilated.

I have attached the 

Sermon in advance from Janey

Church at Home sheet,

Generations will meet at 11 Vicars Close on Sunday evening of the 19th July at 7.15pm – this will be outside only and we will be using the firepit. Drop off at 7.15pm and collect at 9pm  - Children between 11-18 are all very welcome.

Please do take note of the HBC Distanced Picnic on Wednesday 22nd July and also the Sale Trail to raise funds on the Sat 25th July – if you have stuff to donate and sell for the fair then please bring it along in the morning of next Saturday. If you can isolate the gifts at home beforehand for 72 hours then that would be very helpful.

On Sunday 26th July the service at All Saints at 10.30 am will be a celebration of the children in our congregations, and a presentation of their gifts from Junior Church and Giggle. If the weather is good we can have this service outside!


Topic: Coffee and Chat Time: Jul 19, 2020 11:30 AM London Join Zoom Meeting

(And - added by Elisa - here are the weekly notices).

Blessings for you all


Revd Lizzie Kesteven

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches Fishponds


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