Dear Brothers and Sisters of All Saints and St Marys
What a delight it is to get to the first bank holiday weekend in May. It always seems like a double treat when May comes around for it to be book ended by the bank holiday weekends. With Easter being early in 2021 it also means that the Feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost also fall in May this year. In that, the Easter message of Christ is Risen Alleluia, is joined with the sharing of Christ returning to Heaven and then the sharing with us of the gift of God in the person of the Holy Spirit.
This week our services are as follows
Sunday 2nd May – Fifth Sunday of EASTER
10.30am – All Saints - 2nd May – Holy Communion. Revd Lizzie and Revd Janey preaching.
Live Broadcast: Live Stream - 2nd May at 10:30am
This will be followed on SUNDAY May 2nd at 11.45am by Coffee & Chat on zoom – a really good place to do all that interacting if we want and need to. - join with this link: A slightly later start!
Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369
6.30pm – St Marys – 2nd May – Evening Prayer with Some Sung parts and Music –
Mark Simms LLM Leadings and Revd Janey Preaching
7pm – 8.45pm – All Saints – Generations Youth Group (11-18yrs) –
Lizzie and Nigel leading. (Please note the slightly earlier start!)
Notice sheets are at the end.
In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:
Monday 3rd May
Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.
Wednesday 5th May
Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact us for details.
Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am - 11am
Thursday 6th May
Holy Communion St Mary’s – 10am
Sunday 9th May
8am – All Saints Holy Communion
10am – St Marys Holy Communion – Venerable Neil Warwick – Archdeacon of Bristol – Preacher.
When writing this email I was taken by some of the Roots materials that I have attached.
They focus on the theme of staying connected, like Jesus stays connected
and compares himself to the Vine in John’s gospel.
It makes a suggestion for prayer for this week - some very simple prayers for during the day – and I wanted to share them with you as I found them helpful
Use these three simple prayers at the same time each day this week.
Morning Lord, help me to abide in you today, especially when I am doing...
Lunchtime Lord, help me to know whether or not I am connecting to you today.
Evening Lord, I am sorry for any times when I drifted away from you today especially.....
I hope that these bless you today in all that you do. Looking forward to worshiping with you all this week.
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
0117 9650856