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Recognise. Receive. Respond. Rejoice.

Greetings, Sisters and Brothers! 'The Lord is with you and is pleased with you. Don't be afraid.' Luke 1:28 On this Fourth Sunday in Advent we tingle once more along with Mary in her fear, surprise, puzzlement and rejoicing at the news God has chosen her to be the mother of Jesus, the holy Son of God. This week we rejoiced too in Bristol at some good news that we have been granted Tier 2 status - in large part because we have continued to take measures to stay safe and protect one another. In the week leading up to Christmas Day we are offering a blend of services and activities in church and online. Whatever you tune in to, may God bring you his blessing. This Sunday 20th December

  • 8am: Holy Communion: All Saints (and via Live Stream) with Revd Janey presiding and Revd Lizzie preaching

  • 10am: Holy Communion: St. Mary's - with Revd Janey presiding and Revd Lizzie preaching

  • 11.45: Zoom Coffee and Chat - hosted by Diane (see below for link)

  • 4:00pm - All Saints - Christingle - sign-up and full details here

We hope that you enjoy(ed) following the Nativity Trail and discovered Baby Jesus waiting for you in the Link as you dropped off your gifts for Barnardo’s. It is still possible to bring a Barnardo’s gift to All Saints on Sunday morning. Thank you for making a difference. Worship and Events from 21-25th December 2020

The 4th Sunday in Advent - The Annunciation Gabriel's announcement to Mary has given the event the title 'The Annunciation'. Moreover, from the fourth Century onwards Mary was given the honorific title 'Theotokos' - literally 'God-bearer', but more affectionately expressed as 'Mother of God'. 'You must be kidding! How can this be? I haven't ever slept with a man!' Luke 1:29,34 It's no joke, of course. This good news is for real. The Spirit will hover over Mary, as the Spirit hovered over the waters at the beginning of Genesis, bringing to birth a new life in Mary's womb. Jesus, the Messiah. And Mary freely said a resounding 'Yes!' to the presence of Christ in her. In fact, 'Let it be to me according to your Word', might be more accurately expressed as 'Bring it on!' Mary is no shrinking violet! I like how Mary is portrayed by Tatiana Maslany in the BBC Film 'The Nativity' (2010) - think Elizabeth Bennett! Recognise. Receive. Respond. Rejoice. This Christmas I pray that all of us, like Mary, will recognise the presence of God in graced moments. May the Holy Spirit prepare you also to receive the gift of your Saviour, Jesus Christ. And may we all respond like Mary in Wonder, Love and Praise, proclaiming: 'The Lord has done great things for me. Holy is His Name!' Luke 1:49 When you think of it, our Christmas Crackers bear the hallmarks of the Annunciation! The Big Bang - the surprise of a creative event - the beginning of Jesus in Mary's womb The Gift - better than the plastic toy - Jesus, the Holy Son of God, given by the Holy Spirit The Joke - hooray there's NO joke! - the angel wasn't kidding. Jesus is with us for real! The Hat - is actually a crown and reminds us that baby Jesus is also King of Kings! The Lord has found favour with you, too. Receive the gift of the saving love of the Jesus-child! A Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas ! Diane x P.S. Why did Mary and Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem? Because all the home delivery slots were already taken. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZOOM COFFEE AND CHAT 11:45 on 20 December A good moment to wear your Christmas Jumper and bring along a mince pie! Zoom Coffee and Chat - Time: Sunday 11:45 Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 Passcode: 200369

And here is the:

Weekly sheet from All Saints

Weekly sheet from St Marys

Church at Home sheet for Sunday 20th

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