Hello All Saints and St Marys
We are now well and truly emerging into the heart of Lent. Refreshment from mothering Sunday has passed, as too have both St Patrick and St Josephs feast days – and this Sunday sees the marking of what we call Passiontide – beginning this Sunday with Passion Sunday. The word passion I suspect means a variety of things to a myriad of different people – someone with passion for something, or indeed someone, strikes a fiery and mighty note. Perhaps that is why this time of the year as our focus on Jesus draws us closer to his movement towards Jerusalem – and what is his “Passion” Story – a story of love for a people that was so strong and fiery that it took him from the city to the cross at Golgotha.
It is also a word which is often used in “Compassion” – to have compassion, is to feel for someone, something in such a way as it becomes real for the person who is compassionate. “I feel your pain” is perhaps the saying that springs to mind. Jesus felt compassion for his people, he wept at Lazarus grave.
So as we journey together at this time of Passiontide, as we edge closer to Holy Week then I pray we will know the compassion and passion that Jesus had for us, and extend it to others.
The services for this coming week as as follows
Sunday 21st March – Lent 5 (Passion Sunday)
10.30m – Holy Communion All Saints
Rev Janey Preaching. Revd Lizzie Leading and Celebrating
https://youtu.be/d5vDvMBANbw - Live Broadcast Link
6.30pm – Holy Communion St Marys
Rev Janey Preaching. Revd Lizzie Leading and Celebrating.
Here are the Roots Activity sheet as well as notice sheets.
please note about Electoral Roll and also the Running!
This will be followed on SUNDAY MARCH 21st at 11.30am by Coffee & Chat on zoom – a really good place to do all that interacting if we want and need to. - join with this link:
Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369
In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:
Monday 22nd March
Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email stanneseastville@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.
Wednesday 24th March
Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact us for details.
Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am-11am
Lent Group at 7.30pm (on zoom), where we continue our exploration of ‘The Joy of the Gospel; by Paula Gooder, a book which “… enables individuals and groups to rediscover the joy of encountering the good news of Jesus and the transformation that is possible when we communicate the good news to the world today.” Join the Group here:
Meeting ID: 995 1693 8516 and Passcode: 136387
Thursday 25th March
Private Prayer St Mary’s - open from 10am-11am
Friday 26th March
Evening Prayer for Lent at 6.30pm (on zoom), hosted by Sharon. You can log on Zoom with these codes: Meeting ID: 3802068975 and Passcode: 579429
Sunday 28th March – Palm Sunday
8am: All Saints - Blessing of Palms with Holy Communion
10am: St Marys - Blessing of Palms, Passion Play with Holy Communion
Keep an eye out for the magazine with details of Holy Week and also Transforming Church. Feel free to sign up the zooms the diocese are holding in April and May around both Transforming Church and Living in Love and Faith so you can add your thoughts to both those important processes. https://www.bristol.anglican.org/
Running: I will put some sponsorship forms at church for the half marathon I am running with Flo Weston on April 19th! I am running for Christian Aid. Flo for Self Injury Support.
Here is the information that is in the magazine and all about both these charities and links to the fundraising pages! Pray for us and our feet!
oday I wanted to leave you with a reflection (a poem) by Malcolm Guite – he uses the “I AM” sayings from John 14:6 – because I think it speaks passionate words of love.
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
Wherever someone knows that they are lost,
And cries for help to find the way back home
And turns towards their father’s house at last
You are their Way before they know your name.
Wherever someone searches for the truth
And tests each easy answer in its turn
Stressing the question, pressing to the pith
You are the Truth they cannot yet discern.
Wherever someone sorrows over death
Yet seems to glimpse the gate beyond the grave
The living spirit in the dying breath
You are the Life within the life they love.
You come to us before we ask or pray
Till you become our Life, our Truth, our Way.
Blessings to you all this day.
Revd Lizzie Kesteven
0117 9650856