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News for Sunday 15th November 2020

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

Dear Sisters and Brothers

I sometimes have had moments this week where I think I am getting used to the lockdown rhythm again....and then the moment passes! During this “kingdom” season, a betwixt and between time often, I have been reading a little of some of the Saints of the Church who’s “remembrance” days crop up at this time. We have had a feast of people this week from Margery Kemp, a 15thCentury mystic to Leo the Great a very early church Bishop. I find it fascinating the impact peoples faith has had on their own communities and how that has stretched through time to us today.

Yesterday the Church remembered Charles Simeon, an evangelical priest who lived and started as a parish in Cambridge 1783 and he remained there for over 53 years as a parish priest! He started up house groups, and student “conversations” and he became known and loved for his deep pastoral care. He also did a huge amount to change the preaching style of the Church of England from overly long “moral lectures” into sharp “bible expositions”. He once said “Never weary your hearers by long preaching.....leave off whilst your congregation is still hungry. That will bring them back for more”!

It seemed apt to be reminded of this teacher of faith this weekend as we offer to people a Café Church Zoom as our act of worship for Sunday. This will conclude our 5 Café church sessions this year when we have been looking at Rob Bells “What is the Bible”. You can bring breakfast, it can be anything when on zoom but I think I might stick to croissants and jam, to your laptop and join in break out rooms and wider worship and discussions. I am looking forward to being with people in this way this weekend. You don’t have to have read the book to join in, its very accessible and a good chance to chat about faith and the bible together. The churches will also be open for private prayer this Sunday.

Service details are 


Time: Nov 15, 2020 10:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 986 8453 6475 - Passcode: 893440


ALL SAINTS – 9.30am – 11.00am

ST MARYS – 10am – 11.30am

Please find attached 

  • Weekly Sheet from St. Mary’s

  • Weekly Sheet from All Saints

  • Church at Home (There is a great idea for making a prayer wall at home!)

The coffee and Chat zoom is at 11.45pm as usual

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369

Although we cannot be together in the way we want right now then I hope and trust that you know the courage and power of God this week.

The Psalm for Friday evening prayers was number 31. I will leave you with the joy that is verse 3 – may it preserve and keep you this week. Write it out and pin it on your fridge, colour it in if you wish and stick it in your window for neighbours to read.

“Be my strong rock, a fortress to save me, for you are my rock and my stronghold; guide me, and lead me for your names sake.” Psalm 31.3

Blessings and looking forward to being with you worship.


Revd Lizzie Kesteven

0117 9650856


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