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Hope and Strength

All Saints Fishponds

Dear all

I hope you are keeping safe and well.

Lizzie has asked me to send out this week’s minister’s email for the Benefice of All Saints and St Mary Fishponds.

One of my more interesting tasks this week was to look back over the sermons that I preached last year. Lizzie would like to produce a booklet of sermons preached during 2020. We hope to circulate this to people who have not been able to get to church and do not have access to online material. Looking back over the year to find a contribution, it was clear that the CoViD-19 pandemic dominated our thoughts and prayers throughout 2020 and into 2021. And this is right and proper. However, there is another thread of thought running through the year. We have a hope in Christ that, though sometimes shaken, goes beyond what this world throws at us. As Paul put it, “We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed.” (2Co 4:8–9 GNT). It is in that hope and in the strength and vision that the Holy Spirit supplies that we can follow the way of Christ through the suffering and anguish of these times, sharing his love for those we meet and for the world around.

As we continue in lockdown, we will be continuing with our pattern of online only worship this coming week. This is as follows:

Sunday 24th January 10am:

Service of the word Live streamed from All Saints.

Janey Hiller will be leading and Sharon Gleed preaching.

This will be available via YouTube.

The order of service is attached.

Readings: Revelation 19:6–10; John 2:1–11

Monday 25th January 8:15am:

Morning prayer via Zoom Contact Carla for the meeting details.

Wednesday 27th January 9am:

Celtic Prayers via Zoom

Contact Mark for the meeting details

Wednesday 27th January 10–11am

All Saints open for private prayer

Thursday 28th January 10–11am

St Mary’s open for private prayer

In addition, we will be continuing with our coffee and chat on Zoom on Sunday 24th at 11:30am. The Zoom meeting can be joined by clicking the link or using the Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 and Passcode: 200369.

I have also attached this week’s Church@Home sheet from the diocese for families.

May God bless and keep you this week and at all times

Mark Simms

Licensed Lay Minister Benefice of All Saints and St Mary Fishponds

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