"He is the radiance of God’s glory, the stamp of God’s very being, and he sustains the
universe by his word of power." Hebrews 1.3
Dear Friends at All Saints and St. Mary's,
I wonder how rays of God's light and love have reached you from moment to moment this
past week - perhaps through a word of thanks, a glimpse of God's splendour in nature, in an
apology or in an act of forgiveness? In this week's New Testament reading the writer to the
Hebrews tells us that Jesus is the stamp of God's very being, radiating his character and
glory. Indeed the Greek word 'charaktēr'.
Look at Jesus and you will know what God is like. This is what the writer to the Hebrews declares. The NRSV says Jesus is the 'exact imprint' of God. It reminds me of the lino cut I created during my teacher training year. I remember my excitement at seeing the image replicated all over my book cover - a phoenix rising from the ashes (a curiously appropriate image for the radiance of God's glory seen in the risen Christ!). No matter how many times I printed the phoenix, each image was an consistent replica.
Just as Jesus reflects God, we are called to reflect Jesus as consistently as we can. Baptism marks a significant decision to do just that - to turn towards Christ. We are delighted to be celebrating the baptisms of Sylvia and Eddy and welcoming them into All Saints church family this Sunday.
Today in both churches we are entering a new season with Sunday morning gatherings each week in both churches again. In response to the worship surveys there is a fresh pattern whereby we will alternate Holy Communions with some different ways of gathering and activities aimed at helping us meet with God and our neighbours in worship, friendship and loving service.
This Sunday 3rd October we have the following services:
Here are this week’s Roots at Home and Activity sheets.
And in the week ahead…
Monday 4th October
8.15am – Morning Prayer on zoom. Please email stanneseastville@gmail.com if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.
10.30am - Tiny Tots at All Saints Hall - for babies and pre-schoolers, with their parents and carers
Wednesday 6th October
9.00am – Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints.
Thursday 7th October
10.00 – Holy Communion at St Mary’s.
Saturday 9th October
12-2pm - Drop-in Saturday Lunches at St Mary's
So, next Sunday 10th October, there will be:
08.00 – Holy Communion at All Saints
10.30 – All Age Muddy Church at All Saints
10.00 – Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church
I end where I began - with more wisdom from the letter to the Hebrews... The east window at All Saints has a wonderful image of Jesus welcoming a
child and people from many walks of life. It
reminds us that, together with our newly baptised members, we are all 'Looking unto Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our Faith'. Why not wake up each morning in this coming week and recite that little phrase from Hebrews 12:2 to place Christ at the centre of your life and inspire Gospel
encounters in every day conversations and interactions with the people you meet.
Every blessing,
Diane, deacon