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Extraordinary Christmas Season

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Dear All Saints and St Marys

Happy New Year! I am not sure if it was more a case of seeing the last year out or welcoming the New Year in – perhaps for everyone a bit of both this time around.

It has been the most extraordinary of Christmas seasons, and there have been some real moments of seeing how God can help to guide and shape us in times which feel fragile. The prayer gate at St Marys, the Nativity Trail at All Saints. The Christmas Eve outdoor Christingles and the Candlelit carols have all renewed a sense of God being with us in many different ways. Thank you for being part of all of that.

We are currently in Tier 3 in Bristol and therefore the following services are taking place on this coming Sunday 3rd January

10.30am – All Saints – Holy Communion – Revd Lizzie is Leading, Revd Janey is preaching.

11.45am – Coffee and Chat on Zoom (See Code at the end of the email)

3pm – Generations – Note the time change – This will be outside according to guidelines and we meet at Snuff mills Car Park.

6.30pm – St Marys – Evensong – Revd Janey is Leading and Revd Lizzie is Preaching

Here is

  • Church at Home Sheet

  • All Saints Notice Sheet

  • St Marys Weekly Sheet (Please note the readings are for Epiphany)

We are piloting/trialling a joint benefice Magazine currently – you will find copies at the back of church – please do pick up your copies and if you would like to subscribe to it, 70p a month, (12 months for the price of 10) then please chat to Anita Lavis at All Saints or Revd Lizzie. It would be good to know your feedback from both churches about this and seeing if we should extend this into 2021. If there are notices or items that you want in the magazine then please email

The Coffee and Chat Zoom details at 11.45am are as follows:

Meeting ID: 925 0769 4157

Passcode: 474185

I am very fond of the week that follows Christmas Day. In the church there are numerous saints days and commemorations that occur from the 26th Dec to the 3rd January – We have St Stephen, St John, Thomas Becket. We have John Wyclif, and also Basil the Great, and Gregory of Nazianzus. I am fascinated how individuals have a huge capacity to shape the world so that it is Christ centred and shaped. Although many do not end up with their lives and deeds recorded in books, it is always a reminder of the power of God and the image of God that is in all of us. I thank God for that and for each and every one of you. I pray that we may bring all that God has given us to shape the world in this 2021 after Christ’s birth.

With Prayers and blessings

Revd Lizzie

Revd Lizzie Kesteven

0117 9650856


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