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Eastertide Greetings

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: May 1, 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers of All Saints and St Marys

It has been a delightful Easter Week, and one that has brought with it a sense of joy in the most unexpected of places. I am often away straight after Easter Sunday, and so the blessing of being able to “potter” (and I don’t do that pace very often) about Fishponds and the two churches has been a real gift. The outdoor crosses at All Saints, the sheer beauty of the graveyard at St Marys have been deeply spiritually refreshing.

I wanted also to say a huge Thank you to everyone for their faith and grace and work over the last few weeks of Lent and Holy Week. Although it was different again this year, it was also a healing time spent together at the altar of repose, the foot of the cross, the Easter fire and the empty tomb. No one person makes any of this happen, it is a real team effort which is underpinned by prayer. Thank you.

Its a delight to welcome Diane Simms (our ordinand) back from her placement and look forward to her ministry with us in the coming months prior to her being ordained deacon and becoming a curate of this benefice of All Saints and St Marys. There is a short questionnaire that Diane needs for one of her final essays and will be given out at St Marys this Sunday and over the course of the coming weeks. Please fill it in if you can and return it to the box at the back of church.

Also to note that NEXT WEEK on the 18th APRIL there will be café church, but this is online as we can’t as yet sit and eat together. Sharon Gleed (also an ordinand who will be going to a different church shortly for the rest of her training) will be leading this and we look forward to her ministry on that day. The book "How to Pray" – there are still 2 copies at the churches, or is now available online Kindle, google books or Kobo for only £3.99. However, you don’t need to have read it before coming to the zoom – it is all very user friendly!

We have the following services this week

8.00am – All Saints - 11th April – Holy Communion. Revd Lizzie and Mark Simms Preaching. Live Broadcast

10.00am – St Marys – 11th April Holy Communion. Revd Lizzie and Mark Simms preaching.

Here are the Roots Activity sheet - and the notice sheets are at the bottom.

This will be followed on SUNDAY April 11th at 11.45am by Coffee & Chat on zoom – a really good place to do all that interacting if we want and need to. - join with this link: A slightly later start!

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369

In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:

Monday 12th April

Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.

Wednesday 14th April

Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact us for details.

Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am-11am

Thursday 15th April

Private Prayer St Mary’s - open from 10am-11am

Sunday 18th April

10.30am – ZOOM - Café Church online.

6.30pm – St Marys -Holy Communion

Keep an eye out for the magazine. Feel free to sign up the zooms the diocese are holding in April and May around both Transforming Church and Living in Love and Faith so you can add your thoughts to both those important processes.

It was also with sadness that we all learnt of the death of HRH Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh this week. He has been a constant support to the Queen for over 70 years and his passing will bring a deep sense of sadness and grief to Her Majesty and the Royal family as well as this country. There is a online book of condolences that people can go to and the link by clicking here .

I also leave you with a vlog Recent Vlog which I filmed on Friday afternoon.

and a prayer from the Church of England Website.

God of our lives,

We give thanks for the life of Prince Philip,

For his love f our country,

And his devotion to duty.

We entrust him now to your love and mercy,

Through our Redeemer Jesus Christ


Easter blessings in this time when we remember that we are an Easter People and a people who believe and proclaim the resurrection



Revd Lizzie Kesteven

0117 9650856 - 07973917720

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