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Bible Sunday

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Dear All Saints and St Mary’s

I hope that you have felt God’s presence with you in these strange and confusing times. It is not clear how the pandemic will affect us in Fishponds, but I pray that you will continue to know God’s peace and strength, whatever may come in the next few weeks.

I would like to remind everyone that the clocks go back one hour on Sunday morning. So, if you arrive at church and everything seems a little quiet, double check that you have remembered to put your clock back. If you haven’t, you might have a little time to wait before anyone opens up.

This Sunday we will be celebrating Bible Sunday. The services at All Saints and St Mary’s will focus on how the bible helps us to get to know God:

08:00 All Saints: Morning Prayer, Mark Simms leading and preaching.

10:00 St Mary’s: Morning Worship, Janey Hiller leading and Diane Simms preaching

If you are going to St Mary’s, remember that the entrance through the choir vestry is being used at the moment. This is around the corner from the main entrance on the north side of the church.

Now that the APCMs have been completed, the coffee and chat on Zoom will return to its normal time of 11:45. The details for the Zoom meeting are as follows:

All Saints is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Zoom Coffee and Chat - Sunday 11:45 Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369

Here is the Church@Home sheet for this week. This is based Matthew 22.34–40, when the Pharisees asked Jesus “which is the greatest commandment”.

May God continue to bless us all, now and throughout the coming week.

Mark Simms, LLM

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