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All’s well and All shall be well

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: Jun 5, 2021

Dear Sisters and Brothers of All Saints and St Marys Bringing you blessings for what I hope has been a blessed start to May. I find May to be an interesting month (mainly because it brings with it lots of birthdays of people I know!) but also because it marks a shift in seasons. Today – May the 8th - is also the day the Church remembers Julian of Norwich (1417). She was the first woman to have her writing published in the English language. Whilst suffering a severe illness and when at her most vulnerable she received what were “visions” from God – and for the next 20 years she lived in a tiny cell meditating on their meanings. Here even despite what was great suffering of her own life and her own times (Black Death) she was able to write the comforting words “God loved us before he made us, and his love is never diminished and never shall. And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceedingly well.” This week we have the following services of worship. I look forward to seeing you if you are able to be there. The service this week will be recorded at 10am at St Marys and available to view once uploaded. This is because we welcome the Archdeacon of Bristol Venerable Neil Warwick who is our preacher for that day.

It is also great to announce officially and formally that Mrs Diane Simms who will be ordained on the 4th July 2021 will be joining us in this Benefice of All Saints and St Marys to be an Assistant Curate. We look forward to her ordination and her ministry amongst us in the coming years

Sunday 9th May 8.00am – All Saints: Holy Communion. Revd Lizzie 10.00am – St Marys: Holy Communion – Archdeacon of Bristol Neil Warwick is celebrating and preaching.

11.30am – St Marys APCM 3.30pm – St Marys - Baptism

Please note that there is no Coffee and Chat this week or next as we have our APCM’s straight after the morning worship. Here are the Roots Activity sheet for the week and the notice sheets are at the end.

Monday 10th May Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link.

Wednesday 12th May Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact us for details. Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am-11am

Thursday 13th May – Ascension Day HOLY COMMUNION St Marys 10am

Sunday 16th May 10.30am – All Saints - Holy Communion 12 noon – All Saints - APCM 6.30pm – St Marys - Holy Communion

May you know God’s love and peace and blessing this day. May you be held and challenged to live out your faith today. Blessings Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven Vicar of All Saints Church and St Marys Church, Fishponds Interim Co Area Dean of Bristol City Deanery Advisor for Spirituality and Spiritual Direction for Bristol Diocese 0117 9650856 07973917720

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