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Alleluia Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed. Alleluia

All Saints Fishponds

Updated: May 15, 2021

Dear All Saints and St Marys Alleluia He is Risen. He is Risen indeed. Alleluia. There is something rather wonderful about the Easter greeting. Its simple call and answer response. Its rhythm and the way it just sounds on the tongue as it is said. I have always loved it. Perhaps it is because sometimes the simplest proclamations of faith can be the most profound. Perhaps because it is bold in its belief. Perhaps because it is filled with hope. I hope you have enjoyed saying it in this Easter season. It has been really good to spend some time catching up with people this week, on the phone, out an about and seeing people for the first time often since last year. The emergence of longer days, lighter and brighter and warmer times has certainly allowed a lot of people in these last few weeks to emerge like the blossom we see in the wonderful open spaces we are blessed with. Many of you may have seen or been aware of the Panorama television programme on Monday night which spoke of different peoples very real experiences of racism within the Church of England, which included a particular case in Bristol. It certainly saddened me to watch it and absorb what was challenging. This was followed on Thursday by the Church of England’s report from its Anti Racism Taskforce.

I have attached the report as a PDF “Lament to Action”.

I often feel incompetent and out of my depth in the face of hurt and pain such as this but I urge us all to listen carefully to our community and colleagues, our friends, family and neighbours many of whom sadly will have experienced explicit and implicit racism. Some good advice this week to me is to just offer to listen and also to be aware that no one is expected to have all the answers, but there is a need to respond with vulnerability and humility.

A word of thanks to everyone who has supported myself and Flo Weston in our half marathon run.

We raised over £1000 each for Christian Aid

and Self Injury Support and we managed to get home in 2 hours and 27 no breaking the land speed record, but a credible effort! Thank you. The services for this week are as follows

8.00am – All Saints - 25th April – Holy Communion. Revd Janey and Revd Lizzie preaching. Live Broadcast Live Stream - Sunday 25th April 10.00am – St Marys – 25th April – Holy Communion – Revd Janey and Revd Lizzie Preaching

Here are the Roots Activity sheet and the notice sheets are at the end.

This will be followed on SUNDAY April 25th at 11.45am by Coffee & Chat on zoom – a really good place to do all that interacting if we want and need to. - join with this link: Coffee And Chat Meeting ID: 922 2627 5253 - Passcode: 200369

In the week ahead, we have a wonderful selection of opportunities to pray and grow in faith together:

Monday 26th April Morning Prayer at 8.15am (on zoom), hosted by Carla. Please email if you would like to be added to the circulation list for the link. Wednesday 28th April Celtic Morning Prayer at 9am - (on zoom), hosted by Mark. Contact us for details. Private Prayer All Saints - open from 10am-11am Thursday 29th April Private Prayer St Mary’s - open from 10am-11am Sunday 2nd May 10.30am – All Saints Holy Communion 6.30pm – St Marys -Evening Prayer with Music I leave you with a prayer I have found helpful this week from the Jesuit website.

Lord Jesus, when you walked the earth, Your humility obscured your Kingship. Your meekness confused the arrogant, Hindering them from grasping your purpose, Your nobleness attending to the destitute. Teach me to model after your eminence, To subject my human nature to humility. Grant me with a natural inclination To never view myself greater than anyone. Banish all lingering sparks of self-importance That could elevate me greater than you. Let my heart always imitate your humility. - Author Unknown

I look forward to seeing people at church or online. Blessings Lizzie Revd Lizzie Kesteven 0117 9650856 07973917720

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